Out Door Shoot
Midtown ~ Downtown ~ Out of Town - We'll Be There!
Service Description
Nature shots of single plants or a variety of plants and landscapes start at $50 per shot and can go up to $500 - $10.000, depending on the subject you want photographed and the hike or risk involved to photograph it. $50 includes the shot, set up time, cost of gear maintenance and travel, and receiving it as a digital download within 24 hours. Individual & Couple Portrait shots taken outdoors start at $150, if taken locally. If travel is needed, the cost will be adjusted accordingly, covering cost of driving or flying there & nightly hotel, or Air B 'n' B cost. $150 includes the shot, set up time, cost of gear maintenance and travel, and receiving it as a digital download within 24 hours. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, FEEL FREE TO EMAIL ME OR CALL ME DURING BUSINESS HOURS. ** AS ALWAYS J&J STUDIO THANKS YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST & BUSINESS. **